Sunday, August 18, 2013

Re: Jamm'n Peaches

This short story is all about trying, about putting in the effort.
If the main character hadn't taken the advice of her friend to cut the roses a certain way, she wouldn't have enjoyed them the same way. Had she not canned the peaches like her friends suggested, they indeed would have rotted, leaving her with no fruit. It's about taking the initiative, trying new things. At first, she looked at each new opportunity a bit cynically, thinking that she wasn't able to prune very well or can peaches correctly. But clearly, she succeeds just by jumping in, even if it is reluctantly.

If we look at this story in the context of a classroom, her friends are her teachers. Teachers are their to provide guidance. However, it's up to her to let them guide her, to trust them. If she does all of this, she will succeed. If she doesn't, then she will sit through all year assuming that she's incapable of doing anything. She will never know, because she's never tried. This is why we must put in our effort this year for school. How else will we succeed? How else will we learn? How else will we be able to enjoy surprise, change, adaption, and comfort?

For me, math is about working towards those canned peaches, or that beautiful garden. Even if it's difficult, and I'm simply going through the motions, I know that I can reach the goal if I keep going. Sometimes math is easy, sometimes it requires a bit more thinking. But following the exact directions, such as cutting the roses in a certain way, will yield the best results for me. And that's what I hope to do this year. Follow the directions, accept the guidance, and in the end, be rewarded with the peaches.

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