Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tesselations... in 3D!

After reading the Jamm'n Peaches blog, I was intrigued. I decided to look into it further, and after a bit of reading I learned of something quite interesting. Not only is tessellation possible on a two-dimensional plane, but also in three-dimensional space! Such tessellations are referred to as "honeycombs." Interestingly enough, there are many shapes that are able to tesselate in 3D: truncated octahedrons, rhombic dodecahedrons, and of course, prisms. But these prisms, just like their two-dimensional counterparts, must be either a square, a triangle, or a hexagon. The rules for space-filling tessellation are similar to that of two-dimensional tessellations; instead of leaving no area unfilled, honeycombs call for no space to go unfilled. Many of these tessellations can be found in nature. However, one tessellation is found all around us: the cubic tessellation. They can be found from hotels all the way to shelves.

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