Thursday, November 14, 2013

Scott Flansburg

Another so-called (even self-proclaimed) human calculator is Scott Flansburg. Flansburg, in addition to having a natural talent with mental math, show an interest in help others and thinks he knows a secret to mathematical success. In the English language, we read left to right. This is the pattern that becomes embedded in our brains from the time we learn how to read and write until the rest of our lives. In fact, I still have a seemingly random memory of preschool, when I hadn't fully learned how to write yet. I practiced writing my name on a piece of paper, and I actually wrote my name completely backwards. The letters were correct, and in the correct order, but written completely backwards, the letters pointing towards the left. I suppose at that point I regarded letters more as their own shapes rather than characters of a whole word. Of course, later on, I learned the current direction to write. Flansburg's idea is that we should read math from left to right, like English, rather than right to left, as we are taught. This eliminates carrying, which can be a tricky concept.
For example, adding 10 three-digit numbers:
Instead of going through the hassle of carrying, it is easier to do this:
400 + 800 + 400 + 300 + 500 + 700 + 600 + 400 + 100 + 900 = 5100
50 + 80 + 30 + 50 + 30 + 50 + 50 + 20 + 20 + 70 = 450
7 + 6 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 4 + 6 = 53
5100 + 450 + 53 = 5603
Simpler, right?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Math can always feel very abstract and distant. A jumble of numbers, symbols, and letters, the answer sometimes seems to appear out of nowhere. Math begins to materialize a bit more when applied in word problems. But still, the word problems that are provided are usually ridiculous and abstract in their own ways. In this way, math can be very unattractive to people, as it doesn't seem to follow plain english.

Where math becomes fun and interesting is in shapes. Geometry is very interesting, because it takes simple equations and turns them into a circle, or a square, or a triangle, or whatever possible shape can be created. A lot of students I know seem to find geometry difficult, as their minds are more oriented for algebra. But for me, geometry sweeps away the mangled, x-filled equation with something tangible, something that I can refer to, something that works before my eyes. Numbers, when represented visually in geometry, can become engrossing.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daily Math

Math finds it's way out of the classroom and into my daily life all the time. Mainly, I use it to determine how much longer I have to do something I don't want to do. In the slowest classes of the day, I find myself saying, "one quarter done, one half done, three quarters done." Working through the longest homework assignments, with problem after problem after problem, I encourage myself but giving myself a fractional representation of how far I've progressed. In cross country, on the difficult hill workouts, I use fractions to determine how many out of 10 I've done. My application for fractions, although somewhat negative, works for me. I can quickly break 5/8 down into a percent by knowing that 100 divided by 8 is about 12, and 5 x 12 is 60. Approximately 60%. When taking a time-pressured test, I use math to determine if I can finish in time, by seeing how much time I have left, converting that into a fraction, then seeing what fraction of the test I have left to do. Running through all of these calculations doesn't take long, and I do it almost subconsciously. Math can be a great help in our daily lives.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Why We're Bad at Math

At the very beginning, we're taught that 1 plus 1 equals 2. Then, it's taken a step further, with 2 plus 2 equals 4. After that comes subtraction, 1 minus 1 equals 0. And much later, multiplication and division. Seems easy, right? Despite this, the United States ranks 32nd in math proficiency. Why?

It's become quite commonplace for adults to say "Oh, I was never good at math," or "Math was always hard for me." Often, teachers (aside from those that teach math) will say "Now you know why I'm not a math teacher." At least for today's generation, this may be the root of the problem. If even our teachers, the people who mentor us in our academic life, don't take math seriously, why should we? Just like our teachers, we figure, "Well I'm just better at this subject." Sometimes, it's even taken as far as, "Well I'm good at this sport, why should I be concerned about school?" While it's great to have one talent, it is important to be well rounded.

Rise over Run

The grade of a slope is exactly what it sounds like-- a slope.

Grade is expressed in the following equation:

% grade = rise/run x 100

A slope with a grade of 9% is one in which 9 feet of altitude is gained for every 100 feet of distance travelled, which is actually steeper than it seems. A handicap ramp, which must rise 1 inch for every foot travelled, has a grade of 8.3%. The steepest road in San Francisco, Filbert Street, has a grade of 31.5%, meaning that when driving on this road, one gains 4 inches in elevation for every foot they travel.

This also means that the road climbs at an 18.4 degree angle, because the negative tangent of 4 over 12 is 18.4. The tangent, a trigonometric function, can tell us the angle based on rise over run, or the rise or run based on the angle and one of the value. The tangent function is opposite over adjacent. To elaborate, this means that the equation must be set up like this:

tan(angle) = (opposite side) / (adjacent side)

Reworded, the equation becomes:

tan(angle) = (rise) / (run)

And that is how the trigonometric function of tangent finds it's way into rise over run, and subsequently, grade.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Re: Jamm'n Peaches

This short story is all about trying, about putting in the effort.
If the main character hadn't taken the advice of her friend to cut the roses a certain way, she wouldn't have enjoyed them the same way. Had she not canned the peaches like her friends suggested, they indeed would have rotted, leaving her with no fruit. It's about taking the initiative, trying new things. At first, she looked at each new opportunity a bit cynically, thinking that she wasn't able to prune very well or can peaches correctly. But clearly, she succeeds just by jumping in, even if it is reluctantly.

If we look at this story in the context of a classroom, her friends are her teachers. Teachers are their to provide guidance. However, it's up to her to let them guide her, to trust them. If she does all of this, she will succeed. If she doesn't, then she will sit through all year assuming that she's incapable of doing anything. She will never know, because she's never tried. This is why we must put in our effort this year for school. How else will we succeed? How else will we learn? How else will we be able to enjoy surprise, change, adaption, and comfort?

For me, math is about working towards those canned peaches, or that beautiful garden. Even if it's difficult, and I'm simply going through the motions, I know that I can reach the goal if I keep going. Sometimes math is easy, sometimes it requires a bit more thinking. But following the exact directions, such as cutting the roses in a certain way, will yield the best results for me. And that's what I hope to do this year. Follow the directions, accept the guidance, and in the end, be rewarded with the peaches.